capital intensive industry
- 资本密集型产业;资本密集工业,使用大量资本的工业

As a capital intensive industry , financial management of the real estate industry is particularly important .
Mordern mould industry is technology , capital intensive industry .
Iron & steel enterprise belongs to capital intensive industry whose input and output is big .
The real estate market is capital intensive industry , has a high degree of dependence on financial market .
The Indian software industry developed at great speed is characterized by an export-led and human capital intensive industry .
We still depend on the labor-intensive industry , while they depend on the knowledge and capital intensive industry .
Meanwhile , real estate industry is a capital intensive industry . Its number of operating money is larger than other industries .
Culture industry , as a knowledge and capital intensive industry , sufficient capitalis the basis and security of sustainable and healthy development of industry .
Modern services industry is characteristic of a knowledge and human capital intensive industry clustered in big cities , its development closely depend on the institutional environment .
Meanwhile , because it is a capital intensive industry , its survival and development depends a lot on the raising of funds , which makes the capital cost a significant problem .
This has made establishing a manufacturing presence in China an imperative , regardless of whether doing so would save costs in a highly capital intensive industry , executives and analysts said .
The real estate industry is a capital intensive industry , while the financial market is the main place of financing , which makes the development of the real estate market and the financial market more closely linked .
Put forward labors supply ability deficiency judgment after analysis Chinese labor supply situation , Pointed out the government industrial policy is that energetically advocate and support enterprise to operate the technology intensive , capital intensive industry developing .
Real estate industry is typical of capital intensive industry , the industry characteristics of long upstream and downstream industry chain , investment scale , and long capital cycle ; determine the real estate industry to require high capital support .
The paper analyzed the driving factors of industry international competitiveness in three types of industry ( i.e. labor intensive industry , capital intensive industry and technology intensive industry ) during ten years from 1995 to 2004 by the tool of panel data analysis .
Investment is the necessary factor and the accelerator for an industry to form and thrive , also the motivation of technical improvement and structure reform . Energy electric power industry is a capital intensive industry , in which investment plays an important role .
Positive Analysis of the Development of Guangxi Capital and Technology Intensive Industry and Counter-Measures
We find that technological progress has a strong substitution effect of capital in capital intensive industry .
Taking the industrialization road of developing concurrently the capital and technology intensive industry and labor intensive industry
The automotive industry is a capital and technology intensive industry which relates highly to other industries and influences the domestic economics significantly .
Taking the new road of industrialization in our country should handle the relationship between the capital and technology intensive industry and labor intensive industry .
As a capital and talent intensive industry , labor productivity directly decides the enterprise whether have the core competitiveness and sustainable development ability .
The equipment manufacturing industry , as a capital and technology intensive industry , carries the feature of a high degree of industry relevancy and a much longer industry chain as well .
China medical device is a sub-industry of the pharmaceutical industry . It is a multi crossed discipline , knowledge intensive and capital intensive high technique industry , which involves pharmaceuticals , machinery , electronics , plastics and many other industries .
Accessing from the change of Heilongjiang province industrial structure from the year of 1993 to 2002 , we can draw a conclusion that resource intensive industries ' comparative advantage has increased , while labor intensive industries has decreased , capital and technology intensive industry don 't have comparative advantage .
Capital intensive a process or industry that requires large sums of financial resources to produce a particular good .
In the process of taking the new road of industrialization , the rational distribution of ( capital ) and technology intensive industry and labor intensive industry should be particularly took into consideration .
Automobile industry , as a capital and technology intensive modern industry , with its strong relevance , high elasticity of demanding price , elasticity of income price , and obvious scale economy effect , play an important role in stimulating the national economy development .
Based on classical international trade literature survey , we find that to practice free trade results in higher technological level for both labor intensive and capital intensive industries and in expansion of labor intensive industry and shrinking of capital intensive industry .